I ran off to the Carolina coast for a long weekend to enjoy some sunshine and the beach. While there, I stumbled upon some great hidden treasures. I love rummaging and digging around in old warehouses filled with junk and getting inspiration from the beach. I'm soaking it all up and getting ready to go home and create.       12957338_10154050060108186_99771780_n 12442944_10154050060073186_1717557129_n12939130_10154050060188186_1645398984_n 12939227_10154050060123186_657887231_n12939627_10154050060293186_2012068764_n  12910586_10154050060173186_1771844592_n 12939684_10154050059953186_898823342_n  12939488_10154050060618186_1499169938_n


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